Sa première Robe en Liberty London

Her first Liberty London dress

Version française

Being able to sew for Jade is one of the best gifts life has given me. Sometimes I tell myself that I started sewing at the right moment in my life to be ready and comfortable with sewing for my baby girl born in 2019. 

When I knew I was pregnant with a girl, I went hunting for different Liberty fabrics to essentially sew a sleeping bag for her as well as little blouses (starting from age 6 months). With the lockdown, I could no longer go to my usual shop and was so delighted to know that Minerva had an amazing selection of Liberty fabrics. I immediately jumped on their offer and ordered 3 wonderful Liberty fabrics that I will be showing you in the coming weeks. This particular one is the Liberty London Tana Cotton Lawn Fabric in color Jade (like the name of my daughter!)

Shoes and socks – Zara
Chair – Emmaüs 
Coton plaid – Ikea
Carpet – Ikea
Stuffed toys – Monoprix
Wallpaper – Borastapeter réf. Falsterbo Birds 

Liberty fabrics are very beautiful on their own, but this time I tried using some lace ribbon to give a bit more depth to this little outfit. For the pattern, i used the top of a romper (found in Les intemporels pour bébé – Tome 2 – French book with great patterns for babies, by Citronille) to which I added a rectangular piece that I gathered for the skirt. The width of the rectangular was calculated by multiplying the width of the bodice x 2. The bodice was lined (with same fabric) to give it some body at the top. 1 meter of fabric was sufficient for this project. 

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  • Sophie dit :

    Quelle jolie robe, jolie fillette et joli prénom ; ma fille porte le même mais elle aura bientôt 20 ans, alors le liberty ce n’est plus pour elle : )
    C’est bien de pouvoir tout caser dans 1 mètre vu le prix du tissu mais je dois dire que la qualité est au rendez-vous et le liberty tient toutes ses promesses, il ne défraichit pas et est si agréable à porter et à coudre !

  • Un prénom indémodable! Pour des filles à jolie personnalité semblerait t-il 🙂

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