[Eye] Got your back – GREEN x5


Dans plusieurs cultures et croyances du monde, l’oeil a une symbolique forte et est souvent vu comme protectrice et bienveillante. La force de cette vignette est qu’elle représentera forcément pour vous quelqu’un ou quelque chose. Son but: Vous rappeler que vous n’êtes pas seul(e) et qu’il ya toujours quelqu’un qui vous couvre, vous protège et surveille vos arrières. Existe aussi en brun.

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Sur un fond écru, cette étiquette existe en deux couleurs. les bords de la pupille ont été tissés dans un fil or pour apporter encore plus de valeur à ce regard précieux. Le fil or a été choisi avec attention pour garantir une sensation douce sur la peau. Ses dimensions sont de 4cm x 4cm. Ses bords courts sont pré-pliés pour vous faciliter la pose. 

LaPetiteMaisonCouture textile applications are woven labels designed to be sewn on textiles. They were designed in Paris, made in Europe and are made of premium polyester quality threads; for this reason they don’t scratch nor do their colors fade. Used in good conditions their lifespan is unlimited. 

In many cultures and beliefs around the world, the eye has a strong symbolism and is often seen as protective and kind. The strength of this label is that it will by all means represent someone or something to you. Its purpose: Remind you that you are not alone and that there is always someone covering, protecting and watching your back. Also exists in Brown.

On an ecru background, this label is available in two colors. the edges of the pupil have been woven in a gold thread to bring even more value to this precious eye. The gold thread has been carefully chosen to ensure a soft feel on the skin. Its dimensions are 4cm x 4cm. Its short edges are pre-folded in order to ease its application.

LaPetiteMaisonCouture textile applications are woven labels designed to be sewn on textiles. They were designed in Paris, made in Europe and are made of premium polyester quality threads; for this reason they don’t scratch nor do their colors fade. Used in good conditions their lifespan is unlimited. 
